We all strive hard to keep alive
Seeking remedies to survive
At 91 I've pass them in to you.
Honey keeps most ills at bay
If taken liberally each day;
And ne'er forget what fruit will do
To keep away the dreaded flu.
One thing all witches do abhor
Is garlic hung outside one's door,
But don’t forget a clove or two
Is also very good for you;
Although I have to make it clear
It might offend those close and dear.
Essentially, I do advise
A little daily exercise.
And never eat and go to bed
Eat several hours ahead instead.
Above all else my life support
Is just a nightly glass of port.
Follow all this to n'th degree
You might then live as long as me!
William L B Walker
a patient wrote this and gave it to me as a recipe to reach 91 :D. he said u can try it, it worked with me ;)